Marks, D. L., and D. J. Brady. “A wide-field catadioptric monocentric multiscale telescope with all-spherical glass optics.” Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, January 1, 2013.
Llull, P., X. Liao, X. Yuan, J. Yang, D. Kittle, L. Carin, G. Sapiro, and D. J. Brady. “Compressive sensing for video using a passive coding element.” In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2013.
Zhu, R., T. H. Tsai, and D. J. Brady. “Coded aperture snapshot spectral imager based on liquid crystal spatial light modulator.” In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2013.
Marks, D. L., S. H. Youn, H. S. Son, J. Kim, and D. J. Brady. “Wide-field microscopy using microcamera arrays.” Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 8589 (2013).
Llull, P., X. Liao, X. Yuan, J. Yang, D. Kittle, L. Carin, G. Sapiro, and D. J. Brady. “Compressive sensing for video using a passive coding element.” Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, January 1, 2013.
Marks, D. L., H. S. Son, P. O. McLaughlin, S. D. Feller, J. Kim, and D. J. Brady. “A common scalable microcamera design for 2, 10, and 40 gigapixel class multiscale cameras.” Frontiers in Optics, FIO 2012, December 1, 2012.
Yue, T., Q. Hao, and D. J. Brady. “Distributed binary geometric sensor arrays for low-data-throughput human gait biometrics.” Proceedings of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, October 12, 2012, 457–60.
Golish, D. R., E. M. Vera, K. J. Kelly, Q. Gong, P. A. Jansen, J. M. Hughes, D. S. Kittle, D. J. Brady, and M. E. Gehm. “Development of a scalable image formation pipeline for multiscale gigapixel photography.” Optics Express 20, no. 20 (September 2012): 22048–62.
MacCabe, K., K. Krishnamurthy, A. Chawla, D. Marks, E. Samei, and D. Brady. “Pencil beam coded aperture x-ray scatter imaging.” Optics Express 20, no. 15 (July 16, 2012): 16310–20.
Kittle, D. S., D. L. Marks, and D. J. Brady. “Design and fabrication of an ultraviolet-visible coded aperture snapshot spectral imager.” Optical Engineering 51, no. 7 (July 1, 2012).
Kim, M. H., H. Rushmeier, J. Dorsey, T. A. Harvey, R. O. Prum, D. S. Kittle, and D. J. Brady. “3D imaging spectroscopy for measuring hyperspectral patterns on solid objects.” ACM Transactions on Graphics 31, no. 4 (July 1, 2012).
Brady, D. J., and R. Gibbons. “Computational imaging.” Optical Engineering 51, no. 7 (July 1, 2012).
Tremblay, Eric J., Daniel L. Marks, David J. Brady, and Joseph E. Ford. “Design and scaling of monocentric multiscale imagers.” Applied Optics 51, no. 20 (July 2012): 4691–4702.
Zheng, N., S. C. Schmidler, D. Marks, and D. Brady. “Computer experiment and global optimization of layered monocentric lens systems.” Optik 123, no. 14 (July 1, 2012): 1249–59.
Kapadia, A., E. Samei, B. Harrawood, P. Sahbaee, A. Chawla, Z. Tan, and D. Brady. “SU-E-I-77: X-Ray Coherent Scatter Diffraction Pattern Modeling in GEANT4.” Med Phys 39, no. 6Part5 (June 2012): 3642–43.
Brady, D. J., M. E. Gehm, R. A. Stack, D. L. Marks, D. S. Kittle, D. R. Golish, E. M. Vera, and S. D. Feller. “Multiscale gigapixel photography.” Nature 486, no. 7403 (June 2012): 386–89.
Heimbeck, M. S., D. L. Marks, D. Brady, and H. O. Everitt. “Terahertz interferometric synthetic aperture tomography for confocal imaging systems.” Optics Letters 37, no. 8 (April 2012): 1316–18.
Mrozack, Alex, Daniel L. Marks, and David J. Brady. “Coded aperture spectroscopy with denoising through sparsity.” Optics Express 20, no. 3 (January 2012): 2297–2309.
Golish, D., E. Vera, K. Kelly, Q. Gong, P. Jansen, J. Hughes, D. S. Kittle, D. J. Brady, and M. E. Gehm. “Challenges in gigapixel multiscale image formation.” Imaging Systems and Applications, ISA 2012, 2012.
Prasad, S., Q. Zhang, R. Plemmons, and D. Brady. “Statistical performance bounds for coded-aperture compressive spectral-polarimetric imaging.” Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, COSI 2012, January 1, 2012.
Reynolds, Megan, and David Brady. “Bringing You More Than the Weekend: Union Membership and Self-Rated Health in the U.S.” Social Forces 90 (2012): 1023–49.
Golish, D., E. Vera, K. Kelly, Q. Gong, P. Jansen, J. Hughes, D. S. Kittle, D. J. Brady, and M. E. Gehm. “Challenges in gigapixel multiscale image formation.” Imaging Systems and Applications, ISA 2012, January 1, 2012.
Marks, Daniel L., Hui S. Son, Jungsang Kim, and David J. Brady. “Engineering a gigapixel monocentric multiscale camera.” OPTICAL ENGINEERING 51, no. 8 (2012).
Brady, D. J. “Focus in multiscale imaging systems.” Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, COSI 2012, January 1, 2012.
Golish, D., E. Vera, K. Kelly, Q. Gong, P. Jansen, J. Hughes, D. S. Kittle, D. J. Brady, and M. E. Gehm. “Challenges in gigapixel multiscale image formation.” Imaging Systems and Applications, ISA 2012, January 1, 2012.