Shankar, M., R. Willett, N. P. Pitsianis, R. Te Kolste, C. Chen, R. Gibbons, and D. J. Brady. “Ultra-thin Multiple-channel LWIR Imaging Systems.” Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6294 (November 6, 2006).
Agarwal, P. K., D. Brady, and J. Matoušek. “Segmenting object space by geometric reference structures.” ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 2, no. 4 (November 1, 2006): 455–65.
Shankar, M., J. B. Burchett, Q. Hao, B. D. Guenther, and D. J. Brady. “Human-tracking systems using pyroelectric infrared detectors.” Optical Engineering 45, no. 10 (October 1, 2006).
Pitsianis, N. P., D. J. Brady, A. Portnoy, X. Sun, T. Suleski, M. A. Fiddy, M. R. Feldman, and R. D. Tekolste. “Compressive imaging sensors.” Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6232 (September 18, 2006).
Hamza, A. B., and D. J. Brady. “Reconstruction of reflectance spectra using robust nonnegative matrix factorization.” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 54, no. 9 (September 1, 2006): 3637–42.
Brady, D. J., and M. E. Gehm. “Compressive imaging spectrometers using coded apertures.” Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6246 (August 23, 2006).
Fang, Jian-Shuen, Qi Hao, David J. Brady, Bob D. Guenther, and Ken Y. Hsu. “Real-time human identification using a pyroelectric infrared detector array and hidden Markov models.” Optics Express 14, no. 15 (July 2006): 6643–58.
McCain, S. T., M. E. Gehm, Y. Wang, N. P. Pitsianis, and D. J. Brady. “Multimodal multiplex Raman spectroscopy optimized for in vivo chemometrics.” Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 6093 (June 29, 2006).
Brady, D. J., M. Gehm, S. McCain, B. Guenther, N. Pitsianis, and A. Adibi. “Integrated sensing and processing of Raman spectra for in vivo BAC measurement.” In ALCOHOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH, 30:274A-274A. BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, 2006.
Gehm, M. E., and D. J. Brady. “High-throughput hyperspectral microscopy.” Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6090 (May 8, 2006).
Lepage, Kyle, David J. Thomson, Shawn Kraut, and David J. Brady. “Multitaper scan-free spectrum estimation using a rotational shear interferometer.” Applied Optics 45, no. 13 (May 2006): 2940–54.
Momtahan, Omid, Chao Ray Hsieh, Ali Adibi, and David J. Brady. “Analysis of slitless holographic spectrometers implemented by spherical beam volume holograms.” Applied Optics 45, no. 13 (May 2006): 2955–64.
Neifeld, Mark Allen, Abhijit Mahalanobis, and David J. Brady. “Task-specific sensing--introduction.” Applied Optics 45, no. 13 (May 2006): 2857–58.
Burchett, John, Mohan Shankar, A Ben Hamza, Bob D. Guenther, Nikos Pitsianis, and David J. Brady. “Lightweight biometric detection system for human classification using pyroelectric infrared detectors.” Applied Optics 45, no. 13 (May 2006): 3031–37.
Portnoy, A. D., N. P. Pitsianis, D. J. Brady, J. Guo, M. A. Fiddy, M. R. Feldman, and R. D. Te Kolste. “Thin digital imaging systems using focal plane coding.” Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6065 (April 17, 2006).
Zheng, Y., N. P. Pitsianis, and D. J. Brady. “Nonadaptive group testing based fiber sensor deployment for multiperson tracking.” IEEE Sensors Journal 6, no. 2 (April 1, 2006): 490–94.
Fernandez, C., B. D. Guenther, M. E. Gehm, D. J. Brady, and M. E. Sullivan. “Longwave infrared (LWIR) coded aperture dispersive spectrometer.” Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, January 1, 2006.
Gehm, Michael E., Scott T. McCain, Nikos P. Pitsianis, David J. Brady, Prasant Potuluri, and Michael E. Sullivan. “Static two-dimensional aperture coding for multimodal, multiplex spectroscopy.” Applied Optics 45, no. 13 (2006): 2965–74.
Brady, D. J. “Compressive sampling in spectral imaging systems.” Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, January 1, 2006.
McCain, S. T., M. E. Gehm, Y. Wang, N. P. Pitsianis, and D. J. Brady. “Raman spectroscopy: Large-aperture raman spectroscopy for quantitative chemometrics.” Optics and Photonics News 17, no. 12 (January 1, 2006): 42.
Badieirostami, M., O. Momtahan, A. Adibi, and D. J. Brady. “A compact fabry-perot grating cascaded spectrometer.” Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, January 1, 2006.
Brady, D. J. “Compressive sampling in spectral imaging systems.” In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2006.
Wagadarikar, A. A., M. E. Gehm, and D. J. Brady. “Evaluation of aperture codes for high throughput spectroscopy.” Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, January 1, 2006.
Shankar, M., R. Willett, N. Pitsianis, D. Brady, T. Schulz, B. Gibbons, B. Te Kolste, J. Carriere, and C. Chen. “Ultra-thin multi-aperture LWIR imagers.” Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, January 1, 2006.
Fang, Jian-Shuen, Qi Hao, David J. Brady, Mohan Shankar, Bob D. Guenther, Nikos P. Pitsianis, and Ken Y. Hsu. “Path-dependent human identification using a pyroelectric infrared sensor and fresnel lens arrays.” Optics Express 14, no. 2 (January 2006): 609–24.