Rittgers, A. M., R. L. Morrison, R. A. Stack, and D. J. Brady. “Tomographic processing on wireless ground sensor networks.” Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4393 (December 1, 2001): 122–28.
Bouchereau, F., D. Brady, and C. Lanzl. “Multipath delay estimation using a superresolution PN-correlation method.” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 49, no. 5 (May 1, 2001): 938–49.
Marks, D. L., R. Stack, A. J. Johnson, D. J. Brady, and D. C. Munson. “Cone-beam tomography with a digital camera.” Applied Optics 40, no. 11 (April 10, 2001): 1795–1805.
Brady, D. J., S. D. Feller, D. Kammeyer, E. Cull, L. Fernandes, R. A. Stack, and R. Brady. “Information flow in streaming 3D video.” In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 10298, 2001.
Osborne, M. D., and D. J. Brady. “Constructing a space for developing a rich understanding of science through play.” Journal of Curriculum Studies 33, no. 5 (January 1, 2001): 511–24.
Gallicchio, J., E. Cull, S. Kraut, and D. J. Brady. “Spatio-spectral triangulation using a rotational shear interferometer.” In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 207–9, 2001.
Marks, D. L., R. A. Stack, and D. J. Brady. “Three-dimensional coherence imaging in the Fresnel domain.” In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 61–71, 2001.
Brady, D. J., and P. Potuluri. “Spatial tomography and coherence microscopy.” In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 147–49, 2001.
Morrison, R. L., R. A. Stack, and D. J. Brady. “Insights from the development of two generations of networked sensor and processor systems.” In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 190–92, 2001.
Morrison, R., D. J. Brady, A. Rittgers, and R. Stack. “Wireless integrated sensing, processing and display networks for site security.” Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4232 (January 1, 2001): 352–58.
Brady, D. J. “Multiplex optics for visual image processing.” Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4388 (January 1, 2001): 97–102.
Potuluri, P., M. R. Fetterman, and D. J. Brady. “High depth of field microscopic imaging using an interferometric camera.” Optics Express 8, no. 11 (January 1, 2001): 624–30.
Marks, D. M., R. A. Stack, and D. J. Brady. “Astigmatic coherence sensor for digital imaging.” Optics Letters 25, no. 23 (December 1, 2000): 1726–28.
Brady, D. J. “Optical processing for 3D digital imaging.” Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS 1 (December 1, 2000): 114.
Brady, D., M. Kocic, A. W. Miller, and B. L. Karger. “A maximum-likelihood base caller for DNA sequencing.” IEEE Transactions on Bio-Medical Engineering 47, no. 9 (September 2000): 1271–80.
Brady, D., and M. A. Neifeld. “Information theory in optoelectronic systems: Introduction to the feature.” Applied Optics 39, no. 11 (April 10, 2000): 1679–80.
Guo, J., and D. Brady. “Fabrication of thin-film micropolarizer arrays for visible imaging polarimetry.” Applied Optics 39, no. 10 (April 1, 2000): 1486–92.
Morrison, R. L., and D. J. Brady. “Diffractive and Micro-Optics for Multiplex Imaging.” In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 284–85, 2000.
Balberg, M., G. Barbastathis, and D. J. Brady. “Imaging through turbulence with the volume-holographic confocal microscope.” Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (USA) 4087 (2000): 1089–90.
Marks, D., M. Fetterman, R. Stack, and D. J. Brady. “Spectral tomography from spatial coherence measurements.” Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 3920 (January 1, 2000): 48–55.
West, Y. D., T. Schweizer, D. J. Brady, and D. W. Hewak. “Gallium lanthanum sulphide fibers for infrared transmission.” Fiber and Integrated Optics 19, no. 3 (2000): 229–50.
Balberg, M., G. Barbastathis, S. Fantini, and D. J. Brady. “Confocal imaging through scattering media with a volume holographic filter.” Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 3919 (January 1, 2000): 69–74.
Tumbar, R., and D. J. Brady. “Sensor plane processing for multiplex imaging.” In 2000 Southwest Symposium on Mixed-Signal Design, SSMSD 2000, 1–6, 2000.
Tumbar, R., R. A. Stack, and D. J. Brady. “Wave-front sensing with a sampling field sensor.” Applied Optics 39, no. 1 (January 1, 2000): 72–84.
Balberg, M., R. Hristova, D. J. Brady, D. J. Beebe, and L. Raskin. “Optical detection of molecular beacons in microfluidic devices.” In 1st Annual International IEEE-EMBS Special Topic Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, 425–28, 2000.